5 Remarkable Volcanoes in Japan

From majestic Mount Fuji to an underwater volcano that formed a new island just last year, Japan’s 109 active volcanoes account for around 10 percent of all of the active volcanoes in the world. With more than 70 percent of Japan covered in mountainous terrain, it’s no surprise the country’s volcanoes play a significant roles in Japan’s culture and mythology. Whether viewing a smoldering volcano from a safe distance or scaling a dormant peak, thevolcanoes in Japan offer awe-inspiring travel experiences.

1Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan at 12,388 feet (3,776 meters). The volcano’s exceptionally symmetrical cone is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers. t is one of Japan’s “Three Holy Mountains” along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku. The volcano is currently classified as active with a low risk of eruption. The last recorded eruption was in 1708.
A popular destination, an estimated 200,000 people climb Mount Fuji every year, 30% of whom are foreigners. The ascent can take anywhere between three and eight hours while the descent can take from two to five hours. The most-popular period for to hike up the mountain is from July to August, while climbing from October to May is strongly discouraged because of the severe cold weather.
2Mount Aso

Mount Aso, or Aso-san, is actually five separate volcanic peaks. Located on Japan’s southern island of Kyushu near the city of Kumamoto, the Aso-san volcanic area is so massive that whole villages lie within its boundaries. One of the five volcanoes, Mount Nakadake, is still active and is the area’s main attraction, but when the volcano spews gases, the entire area is shut down. Other peaks are popular destinations as well. Treks around the region range from short walks to day-long hikes. Near the Mount Aso Museum is a heliport where visitors can arrange for breath-taking albeit expensive flyovers.
3Mount Unzen

Near the city of Shimabara on the island of Kyushu lies the group of volcanoes known as Mount Unzen. Eruptions from these volcanoes date back six million years, but until recently, they were thought to have become dormant. A national park was established in 1934 and a small village sprang up to accommodate visitors. In 1990, one of the volcanoes, Mount Fugen, began a series of eruptions. Today, the mountain lies dormant again, and visitors can climb the 1,359 meter (4,459 foot) peak to enjoy panoramic views. To shorten the trek, most hikers approach the climb from Mount Myoken, which is reached by a three-minute gondola ride from Nita Pass.

Overlooking the historical city of Kagoshima on Kyushu Island are the three volcanoes that make up the stratovolcano Sakurajima. Of these, Minami-dake is the most recently active. It regularly dumps ash on the city below. Adventurous travelers who want an up-close experience with a live volcano are rarely disappointed. While visitors are not permitted to climb up to the edge of the dangerous crater, there are excellent views to be enjoyed from Yunohira Lookout, which can be reached in around two hours on foot or in minutes by car.
5Mount Asama
Located in the center of Japan’s main island of Honshu, Mount Asama stands 2,568 meters (8,425 feet) above sea level, towering over the resort town of Karuizawa. Mount Asama is best known for an eruption that occurred in 1783, which killed 1,500 people. The mountain is Honshu’s most active volcano, erupting as recently as 2009 and sending ash as far away as Tokyo. Despite the potential danger of another eruption, Mount Asama remains a popular holiday destination. Visitors come to ski on the peak’s adjacent slopes and soak in the region’s natural hot springs.

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